Why do election losers accept their losses? Henry Farrell - September 27, 2023 What we learn from a minimalist view of democracy.
Trump’s nominated a new national security advisor. Don’t expect that to change much about Trump’s foreign policy. Paul Musgrave - September 10, 2019 Goodbye to John Bolton. Hello to Robert C. O’Brien.
John Bolton is warning of a “Clash of Civilizations” with China. Here are the five things you need to know. Paul Musgrave - July 18, 2019 Academics and experts say that the “clash of civilizations” argument is misleading and destabilizing.
Dystopian fiction makes people more willing to justify political violence. Should you worry? Celia Paris and Calvert Jones - January 12, 2019 [caption id="attachment_82415" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Pro-abortion activists in favor of decriminalizing
How do we know if U.S. troops in South Korea are a viable tripwire? A new survey suggests it’s not that simple. Steven Ward and Paul Musgrave - June 8, 2018 [caption id="attachment_74272" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Marines lace up their boots during
What ‘The West Wing’ tells us about the West Wing Paul Musgrave and Furman Daniel, III - January 22, 2018 How do politics affect popular culture? A well-received speech by
Here’s why Saudi Arabia is loosening its restrictions on women Yu-Ming Liou and Paul Musgrave - June 27, 2016 [caption id="attachment_42883" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Saudi women vote during municipal elections
Public Attitudes toward Adultery, Part II John Sides - August 2, 2011 In response to my post describing increasing opposition to adultery,