Austrians vote Sunday — with a major corruption scandal in the background Manès Weisskircher - September 26, 2019 They’re voting for parliament for the second time in just two years.
Austrians vote on Sunday. Will they turn to the right again? Matthew Bergman and Manès Weisskircher - October 12, 2017 [caption id="attachment_64777" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Austrian presidential candidate Alexander Van der
So Poland’s president surprised everyone, vetoing two bills that threatened the courts’ independence. Here’s what that means. Mary Stegmaier and Kamil Marcinkiewicz - July 25, 2017 [caption id="attachment_61426" align="aligncenter" width="960"] People in Warsaw on July 24
Poland appears to be dismantling its own hard-won democracy Mary Stegmaier and Kamil Marcinkiewicz - July 21, 2017 A bill now in Poland’s Parliament would destroy the judicial
4 cool graphs that explain Sunday’s Swiss elections Sean Mueller and Marlène Gerber - October 23, 2015 [caption id="attachment_31187" align="aligncenter" width="908"] A man walks past an election
It’s confusing when the Swiss go to the polls. Here are 6 surprising things about their elections. Sean Mueller and Marlène Gerber - October 16, 2015 [caption id="attachment_30749" align="aligncenter" width="3000"] Alphorn players perform in Nendaz, Switzerland.
Azerbaijan post-election report and what comes next Joshua Tucker - October 16, 2013 [Joshua Tucker: Continuing our series of Election Reports, the following is a
The Challenges of Electoral Competition in an Oil Rich State: Azerbaijani Pre-Election Report Joshua Tucker - October 6, 2013 Continuing our series of Election Reports, the following is a
The 2013 Austrian Elections: Standing Still Despite Change? Joshua Tucker - October 1, 2013 [caption id="attachment_716" align="aligncenter" width="579" special=""] (Kerstin Joensson/Associated Press: Freedom Party
2013 Austrian Parliamentary Elections: Pre-Election Report Joshua Tucker - September 19, 2013 We are please to continue our series of Election Reports