Inflation may be a problem. But it’s also a political opportunity. Elizabeth Popp Berman - January 20, 2022 Since economists don’t agree on what’s causing it, someone will likely use it to sell other policies.
A century ago, Prohibition was about expanding liberty. Then our definition of liberty changed. Mark Schrad - January 17, 2022 Many defenders of Black, Native American and women’s political rights saw Prohibition as increasing freedom
Why has U.S. inflation hit 7 percent? Kathleen R. McNamara - January 13, 2022 Here are the clashing explanations — and the reasons experts want you to believe them
How the Chicago School changed the meaning of Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ Glory Liu - April 18, 2019 Smith wasn’t warning about government intervention in the market; he was warning about government capture
America’s tech entrepreneurs are Democrats not libertarians, but they may be changing the Democratic Party Neil Malhotra and David Broockman - September 22, 2017 [caption id="attachment_63844" align="aligncenter" width="960"] A logo sign at the headquarters
How will charter schools deal with their corruption scandals? Mark Palko - August 8, 2014 [caption id="attachment_14073" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Former Michigan governor John Engler.
Milton Friedman’s Thermostat Henry Farrell - July 31, 2012 Via Matthew Yglesias on Twitter, "this insight": from the _Worthwhile
The Death of Libertarianism? Part 2 Stephen B. Kaplan - July 28, 2009 In yesterday’s post, I suggested that American libertarianism both is