Lt. Col. Vindman’s retirement will hurt military effectiveness. This is why. Carrie Lee - July 9, 2020 The regular politicization of military affairs is highly risky
This is what was so unusual about the U.S. Navy making Captain Brett Crozier step down. Lindsay Cohn, Jim Golby, and Alice Friend - April 5, 2020 Members of the military can face multiple, sometimes competing, loyalties
Trump just de-escalated in the Middle East. Here’s why we shouldn’t be surprised. Andrew Payne - January 10, 2020 In an election year, presidents don’t want U.S. troops in harm’s way
Trump says Pakistan ‘harbors terrorists.’ The real story isn’t so simple. Peter Henne - August 28, 2017 Announcing a new Afghanistan strategy on Aug. 21, President Trump
Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and Social Science Joshua Tucker - February 3, 2010 Don't Ask Don't Tell is "back in the news again":,