It’s been a great nine years for TMC political science analysis Kim Yi Dionne, John Sides, and Henry Farrell - December 31, 2022 We’ve published thousands of articles. Here are some of our editors’ favorites.
These were our 10 most popular posts of 2021 E.J. Graff - December 29, 2021 Readers were very interested in Jan. 6, the former guy’s hold on the Republican Party, and race
Actually, Facebook isn’t making people angrier. Some people are just jerks. Michael Bang Petersen and Alexander Bor - October 26, 2021 People share disinformation to hurt the other side, this research shows.
Denmark appears to have beaten covid-19 — for now. Here’s how it did it. Michael Bang Petersen and Alexander Bor - September 17, 2021 For the most part, Danes avoided blaming and shaming their fellow citizens
Trump’s abrasive personality might help him win reelection — if voters feel it’s a dangerous world Michael Bang Petersen and Lasse Laustsen - January 10, 2020 Angry voters aren’t looking for someone they can have a beer with.
Just two sentences make Americans as pro-welfare as Danes Henry Farrell - December 10, 2013 [caption id="attachment_3889" align="aligncenter" width="417" special=""] (Tom Toles/The Washington Post)[/caption] That's