The pandemic actually helped bring Americans together – briefly Matthew Gentzkow, Levi Boxell, James N. Druckman, and Jacob Conway - August 23, 2021 Having a common enemy can unite a nation — until something like the Black Lives Matter protests reminds citizens of their profound differences.
Most Americans are not like Antonin Scalia John Sides - October 18, 2013 [caption id="attachment_1873" align="aligncenter" width="614" special=""] Are most Americans like Nino?
Can partisan media contribute to healthy politics? John Sides - March 11, 2013 On Monday at 5 pm, I'm participating in a South
Symposium on Timothy Groseclose’s Arguments about Liberal Bias Henry Farrell - September 7, 2012 The current issue of _Perspectives on Politics_ includes a symposium
Thoughts on Groseclose book on media bias Andrew Gelman - July 29, 2011 Respected political scientist Tim Groseclose just came out with a
Epistemic closure – climate change edition Henry Farrell - March 10, 2011 Via via "Serendipity": and "Ethan Zuckerman":, an "article": suggesting that
More on epistemic closure Henry Farrell - April 27, 2010 "Brendan Nyhan": suggests that rather than measuring the product of
More on the Media and Ideological Bias John Sides - December 7, 2007 In response to my original post, John Samples of the
Are the Media Ideologically Biased? John Sides - December 6, 2007 Are the media ideologically biased? Yes, and they're liberal, if