Africans see rising corruption, even in daily life Rehan Visser - December 9, 2024 Afrobarometer surveys track perceptions of graft and experience of bribery.
Africans across 34 countries see the police as predatory, not protective Carolyn Logan - March 19, 2022 Afrobarometer’s latest surveys indicate poorer citizens are more likely than the wealthy to be pressured to pay bribes
Why are Africans dissatisfied with democracy? Think corruption. Robert Mattes and Christiaan Keulder - November 18, 2021 The fifth in Afrobarometer’s special democracy summit series on Africa
Africans find it hard to learn what their governments are up to. It’s no surprise many suspect corruption. Joseph Asunka and Carolyn Logan - May 20, 2021 The lack of transparency affects people’s views of government, Afrobarometer surveys find
Africa launched its free trade zone in January. Here’s what Africans think about economic integration. Josephine Appiah-Nyamekye Sanny and Jaynisha Patel - March 25, 2021 Protectionism ranks high with many Africans, new survey results show
Fewer Africans think taxes are legitimate. That’s a problem. Thomas Isbell and Lulu Olan’g - February 25, 2021 How citizens view taxation could be critical to government responses to emergencies such as the coronavirus
Africans want elections, but fewer believe they work Mavis Zupork Dome and Fredline M'Cormack-Hale - February 11, 2021 Faith in electoral accountability has declined in the past decade
Africans think their governments aren’t fighting corruption hard enough Christiaan Keulder - January 28, 2021 But they fear punishment if they speak up against it
Are African governments doing enough to help young people? Here’s what Afrobarometer surveys reveal. Sadhiska Bhoojedhur, Ousmane Djiby Sambou, and Gildfred Asiamah - January 14, 2021 Job creation is citizens’ top priority — and they’re willing to pay for it.
Coronavirus crisis tests social bonds in Africa Luyando Mutale Katenda, Carolyn Logan, and Aminatou Seydou - December 17, 2020 The latest Afrobarometer surveys find evidence of both unity and discrimination in 18 African countries