Good to Know: Continuing resolutions Sarah Binder - January 22, 2024 Here’s why Congress can’t kick the habit.
In Memoriam: Charles O. Jones Sarah Binder, Mark Rozell, Kathryn Tenpas, and Russell L. Riley - January 12, 2024 Chuck helped us understand the promise and limits of power in the U.S. constitutional system.
These two arguments make Americans less opposed to court packing Michael J. Nelson and Amanda Driscoll - March 26, 2019 Putting more justices on the Supreme Court might not backfire as spectacularly as many expect.
How the partial death of the filibuster will shape the federal courts - January 29, 2014 [caption id="attachment_6006" align="aligncenter" width="1360" special=""] Majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
Dis-charge! Historical data and prospects for success. - October 7, 2013 [caption id="attachment_1024" align="aligncenter" width="1014" special=""] "The Speaker's Attitude" by cartoonist
What’s in a name? That which we call the “Hastert Rule” by any other name would …. - June 19, 2013 Pardon the morning Shakespeare. But I think a small dose
Redistricting knows no bounds - February 6, 2012 The latest issue of Legislative Studies Quarterly contains a neat
Congressional supercommittees: How super are they? - July 26, 2011 As the debt default clock counts down, competing Boehner and
Do war casualties affect elections? - January 30, 2008 Two studies in Legislative Studies Quarterly recently caught my eye.