Why Melania Trump isn’t as popular as Laura Bush or Michelle Obama Laurel Elder, Brian Frederick, and Barbara Burrell - June 15, 2018 [caption id="attachment_74531" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Then-first lady Michelle Obama meets with
Do women matter to international security? Trump just changed the U.S. government’s answer to that question. Hilary Matfess - January 4, 2018 [caption id="attachment_65578" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Congolese women and their children, who
Can your spouse help you get elected? Here’s what data from Africa say. Kim Yi Dionne - November 4, 2016 [caption id="attachment_48948" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Melania Trump shakes hands with former
Is the Ice Bucket Challenge 'presidential'? Justin Vaughn - August 27, 2014 Thousands of Americans have taken Ice Bucket Challenge, raising tens
Is the Ice Bucket Challenge ‘presidential’? Justin Vaughn - August 27, 2014 Thousands of Americans have taken Ice Bucket Challenge, raising tens
Potpourri John Sides - April 26, 2011 * "Where did my tax dollars go?":http://www.wheredidmytaxdollarsgo.com/ ("Via":http://www.economist.com/blogs/babbage/2011/04/infographics?fsrc=scn/fb/wl/bl/makingtaxespretty) * "In
Traffic fines and retrospective and prospective decision analysis Andrew Gelman - July 24, 2008 The traffic accident that John mentioned makes me think of