Chileans vote this weekend whether to rewrite the Pinochet-era constitution. Valeria Palanza, Laia Balcells, and Elsa Voytas - October 21, 2020 A museum that helps people acknowledge the authoritarian past may influence how they feel about politics today.
Important Iraqi archives are now back in Baghdad. Where were they, and what happens now? Marsin Alshamary - September 15, 2020 These documents detail crimes during Saddam Hussein’s regime
Catalonia will vote tomorrow. None of the 3 possible outcomes looks very stable. Laia Balcells and José Fernández-Albertos - December 20, 2017 [caption id="attachment_67443" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Ousted Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, center,
Half a million marched this weekend in Barcelona. Do terrorist attacks make people more politically engaged? Laia Balcells and Gerard Torrats - August 28, 2017 The Aug. 17, 2017 terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils,
Bridging levels of analysis in the study of conflict Laia Balcells - January 26, 2015 [caption id="attachment_20549" align="aligncenter" width="620"] Fighters from the Fajr Libya (Libya
Why the Ukraine separatists screwed up: Badly organized insurgents can't master complex weapons systems Stephen Biddle and Ivan Oelrich - July 21, 2014 [caption id="attachment_13277" align="alignnone" width="620"] Ukrainian rescue servicemen inspect part of
Why the Ukraine separatists screwed up: Badly organized insurgents can’t master complex weapons systems Stephen Biddle and Ivan Oelrich - July 21, 2014 [caption id="attachment_13277" align="alignnone" width="620"] Ukrainian rescue servicemen inspect part of
How should we count the war dead in Syria? Lionel Beehner, Laia Balcells, and Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl - May 1, 2014 [caption id="attachment_10009" align="aligncenter" width="810" special=""] Photo by Manu Brabo (AP)[/caption]
2012 Catalonia Elections: Post-Election Report Joshua Tucker - November 28, 2012 Continuing our series of election reports, the following post-election report on
2012 Catalonia Elections: Pre-Election Report Joshua Tucker - November 14, 2012 Continuing our series of election reports, the following pre-election report on