Latina and Black women lost jobs in record numbers. Policies designed for all women don’t necessarily help. Margaret Teresa Brower and Jamila Michener - February 8, 2021 Here’s what our research found
Members of Congress are specializing less often. That makes them less effective. Craig Volden and Alan E. Wiseman - September 16, 2020 Here’s how to encourage more expertise.
The Democratic candidates promise action on climate change. Here’s what stands in the way. Ashley Nunes - August 7, 2019 It’s not easy being green.
New polling shows how much sexism is hurting the Democratic women running for president. Samantha Luks and Brian Schaffner - July 11, 2019 More than a quarter of Democratic primary voters score higher than average on a “hostile sexism” scale.
These two arguments make Americans less opposed to court packing Michael J. Nelson and Amanda Driscoll - March 26, 2019 Putting more justices on the Supreme Court might not backfire as spectacularly as many expect.
Can the Green New Deal make it through Congress? Here are 5 things you need to know. Leah C. Stokes - February 20, 2019 Whether or not it does, it is likely to affect future climate policies.
Yes, Gillibrand and DeLauro introduced a family leave bill. More important, Republicans are introducing paid leave bills, too. Megan Sholar - February 20, 2019 Paid leave has gone mainstream.
Congress has a record number of mothers with children at home. This is why it matters. Lisa Bryant and Marin Hellwege - February 15, 2019 On Thursday, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Rosa L.
You’ve heard the calls to #AbolishICE. Here’s what that could mean. Seth Grossman and Margo Schlanger - July 9, 2018 [caption id="attachment_75459" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Immigration activist during a rally in
Four takeaways from the short-lived shutdown Mark Spindel and Sarah Binder - January 24, 2018 On Monday, Congress ended a short-lived government shutdown, voting to