2016 was an ordinary election, not a realignment Larry Bartels - November 10, 2016 [caption id="attachment_49160" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton face
The not-quite-as-depressing psychological theory that explains Washington Henry Farrell - January 10, 2014 [caption id="attachment_5093" align="aligncenter" width="696" special=""] (Linda Davidson/The Washington Post)[/caption] Over
More on those “Psychological Science” papers (menstrual cycles and political attitudes, biceps size and political attitudes) Andrew Gelman - May 30, 2013 I was thinking some more about those two recent studies
Jost Haidt Andrew Gelman - October 2, 2012 Research psychologist John Jost reviews the recent book, "The Righteous
Potpourri John Sides - September 18, 2012 * New survey of small business owners: visualization, paper. It
Reconciling different claims about working-class voters Andrew Gelman - June 20, 2012 After our discussions of psychologist Jonathan Haidt's opinions about working-class
“The Party of the American Working Man and Woman” Larry Bartels - June 18, 2012 Jonathan Haidt writes that “the Republicans are increasingly becoming the party
Lamentably ignorant psychology researcher spews political platitudes without realizing that he’s trying to explain a phenomenon that does not exist Andrew Gelman - June 8, 2012 Details (and anguished scream) here. I think the problem is
Same old story Andrew Gelman - March 25, 2012 In a review of psychologist Jonathan Haidt's recent book, "The
More on the missing conservative psychology researchers Andrew Gelman - March 9, 2011 Will Wilkinson adds to the discussion of Jonathan Haidt's remarks