Calling Ukrainian refugees more ‘civilized’ than Syrians requires willful amnesia Oumar Ba, Lina Benabdallah, and Elif Kalaycioglu - March 21, 2022 The history of the West suggests something else entirely
What might be lost as China and the U.S. make it harder for scholars to travel back and forth? Xiaoyu Pu - May 1, 2019 Academics and researchers can help foreign policymakers better understand the implications of their decisions.
Kissinger the constructivist Marc Lynch - October 21, 2014 [caption id="attachment_17020" align="aligncenter" width="620"] Henry A. Kissinger, author of the
Pull Back or Lean Forward? Erik Voeten - January 3, 2013 The most recent issue of Foreign Affairs hosts an excellent
Governing the World: A Review Erik Voeten - January 3, 2013 The past decade has treated us to some excellent histories
The Case for a New Isolationism? Erik Voeten - February 7, 2011 Thanassis Cambanis has an interesting "article ": in Sunday's Boston