The misinformation on South Africa’s new land act Carolyn E. Holmes - February 11, 2025 South Africa’s Expropriation Act mirrors eminent domain rules in the United States and other countries.
How immigration issues are steering South Africa’s 2024 elections Kim Yi Dionne and Beth Wellman - May 28, 2024 An expert discusses immigration campaign rhetoric, xenophobia, and diaspora voting.
2024: The election that could redefine South Africa’s politics Joshua Tucker and Daniel de Kadt - May 25, 2024 Everything you need to know about the May 29 elections, including recent changes to South Africa’s electoral system.
Some Africans — but not all — are happy with the quality of their elections Fredline M'Cormack-Hale and Carolyn Logan - November 12, 2021 The fourth in Afrobarometer’s special democracy summit series on Africa.
Do Africans want democracy — and do they think they’re getting it? Joseph Asunka and E. Gyimah-Boadi - October 21, 2021 The first in Afrobarometer’s special African democracy summit series.
African citizens support their governments’ pandemic responses — mostly. They’re not sure about the vaccines. Josephine Appiah-Nyamekye Sanny - August 26, 2021 The latest Afrobarometer surveys could help government messaging on fighting the delta variant
Africans find it hard to learn what their governments are up to. It’s no surprise many suspect corruption. Joseph Asunka and Carolyn Logan - May 20, 2021 The lack of transparency affects people’s views of government, Afrobarometer surveys find
South Africa’s ruling party is going after corrupt leaders. That’s only half the problem. Patrick Pierson - May 5, 2021 Even low-level offices can bring wealth, so people are killing each other to gain election.
Fewer Africans think taxes are legitimate. That’s a problem. Thomas Isbell and Lulu Olan’g - February 25, 2021 How citizens view taxation could be critical to government responses to emergencies such as the coronavirus
Are African governments doing enough to help young people? Here’s what Afrobarometer surveys reveal. Sadhiska Bhoojedhur, Ousmane Djiby Sambou, and Gildfred Asiamah - January 14, 2021 Job creation is citizens’ top priority — and they’re willing to pay for it.