Anti-establishment centrists may well win the Dutch elections Erik Voeten - November 20, 2023 Parties that defy conventional labels are shaking up Dutch politics. Are they unicorns – or a model for other countries?
Jean-Claude Juncker and the populist Zeitgeist in European politics Cas Mudde - December 30, 2014 [caption id="attachment_19593" align="aligncenter" width="620"] British politician Nigel Farage, left, shares
Post Election-Report: Netherlands 2012 Parliamentary Elections II Joshua Tucker - September 14, 2012 In our continuing series of election reports, we are pleased
Why Santorum Should Learn to Love the Netherlands Erik Voeten - February 28, 2012 It seems like the Netherlands has emerged as the
Dutch Election Results Erik Voeten - June 10, 2010 With 97% of the votes counted, it now appears that
More on Dutch Politics Erik Voeten - March 12, 2010 I know all of you have been eagerly awaiting updates
And You Think American Politics is Complicated? Erik Voeten - February 23, 2010 Last week I blogged about what the (then impending) Dutch