Condemning Putin will make it harder to end the conflict with Russia Samuel Helfont - March 30, 2022 Consider how hard it was to lift sanctions after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait
Putin’s fight with Ukraine reflects his deep distrust of the West. There’s a long history behind that. Henry Farrell - December 1, 2021 A new book explains the history of NATO expansion, which Putin wants to end.
The U.S. recognized Moroccan sovereignty over the disputed Western Sahara. Here’s what that means. Jacob Mundy - December 11, 2020 The Trump administration’s move could complicate efforts to resolve a long-standing territorial conflict.
Paul Volcker won his fight on inflation. The battle to regulate big finance is ongoing. Jonathan Kirshner - December 12, 2019 Fed Chairman Paul Volcker testifies in 1981. (Photo by James
Will a new White House chief of staff matter? Not unless Trump wants change. Andrew Rudalevige - December 12, 2018 [caption id="attachment_81464" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Nick Ayers, left, chief of staff
John Bolton talks tough on the U.N. What’s his record really like? David Bosco - March 27, 2018 President Trump’s selection of John Bolton to serve as his
Republicans used to compare talking to Moscow to talking to Hitler. Trump changed that. James Goldgeier - December 14, 2017 Editor's note: We asked James Goldgeier to revisit his July
A carbon dividend really can slow fossil fuel use — under these conditions Leigh Raymond - March 13, 2017 A new proposal from the Conservative Climate Council gets it partly right.
Trump isn’t really campaigning earlier than other recent presidents. He’s just more upfront about it. Brendan Doherty - February 21, 2017 [caption id="attachment_54425" align="aligncenter" width="960"] President Trump invites a supporter onstage
Trump wants a White House that’s not ‘top down.’ Here’s why this won’t work. James Pfiffner - November 28, 2016 [caption id="attachment_49548" align="aligncenter" width="960"] President-elect Donald Trump, left, stands with