The Academy Awards will have new diversity rules to qualify for an Oscar. But there’s a huge loophole. Ryan Hecker and Bethany Lacina - April 23, 2021 Here’s what our research found
Chasing Oscar nominations is like gambling in the lottery Henry Farrell - January 15, 2014 [caption id="attachment_5330" align="aligncenter" width="1024" special=""] Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP[/caption] That's the main
OK, John, So Should the Republican Party Tank the Economy? If So, I Have an Idea How They Can Do It… Joshua Tucker - July 14, 2011 So "John's post": inspired me to write on a topic
Quick Quiz: Who is Herman Van Rompuy? Joshua Tucker - November 20, 2009 A) The name of the bad guy in the original
A Stanford Prison Experiment Movie? John Sides - March 29, 2009 And not a documentary either (already been done). This is