This is why Senate Republicans might (not) go nuclear Sarah Binder - November 14, 2016 [caption id="attachment_49494" align="aligncenter" width="960"] President-elect Donald Trump with wife Melania
Fate of the filibuster in a post-nuclear Senate - November 24, 2013 [caption id="attachment_3472" align="aligncenter" width="1360" special=""] Majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada)
Speak softly … and carry a nuclear stick - July 14, 2013 The Teddy Roosevelt-Harry Reid analogy ain't great, I know. But
Some footnotes to the Rand Paul filibuster - March 9, 2013 In a week in which civility broke out all over
Are the effects of Senate rule changes predictable? - November 20, 2012 Greg Koger offers important insights here about potential reforms of
Storable votes: Can we solve gridlock and yet protect the minority? Andrew Gelman - June 7, 2012 This is a guest post from Alessandra Casella, an economics
New Blog: The Mischiefs of Faction John Sides - May 29, 2012 A new political science blog, Mischiefs of Faction, is up
Why Does the Filibuster Persist? John Sides - May 17, 2012 This is a guest post from Eric Schickler and Greg
Back to 1806: Revisiting the accidental origins of the Senate filibuster - May 16, 2012 The Common Cause lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Senate