A German word for how others see Germany’s gas crisis: Schadenfreude Matthias Matthijs - July 26, 2022 If Germany had been nicer to Mediterranean countries when they needed help, they might be nicer now in return.
Hundreds of Western companies quickly exited Russia. Why didn’t Putin see that coming? Igor Logvinenko - March 21, 2022 Here’s what Russia may have learned about globalization and corruption
The West has hit Russia with tough sanctions. They could be tougher still. Daniel McDowell - March 2, 2022 If Putin escalates the war in Ukraine, here’s what could be next
The German economy depends on Russian gas. There’s a long history behind that. Marina E. Henke - February 18, 2022 What happens now to the Nord Stream 2 project?
The FEC is allowing ‘foreign entities’ to donate to U.S. referendum campaigns. That’s a problem. Dov Levin - November 18, 2021 Most critics are missing the biggest concern
Why did Turkey buy Russian — not Western — missile defense systems? Selim Sazak - July 16, 2019 Here’s what you should know about the continued delivery of the missile defense system to the NATO member state.
China and Russia have deep financial ties to Venezuela. Here’s what’s at stake. Stephen B. Kaplan and Michael Penfold - February 21, 2019 A month ago, Venezuelan National Assembly President Juan Guaidó refused
Could the new fighting between Russia and Ukraine escalate into all-out war? Sara McLaughlin Mitchell - December 5, 2018 [caption id="attachment_81079" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Three Ukrainian naval ships, which were
Remember the Cold War? Putin has brought it back. Tatyana Malyarenko and Stefan Wolff - March 19, 2018 [caption id="attachment_70657" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Journalists watch as Russian President Vladimir
Yes, the Kremlin is worried — about Russia’s own presidential elections Christopher Jarmas - December 6, 2017 [caption id="attachment_66986" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks to