Why Qatar’s World Cup was controversial a decade before the first game Paul Michael Brannagan and Danyel Reiche - November 14, 2022 Global sports put Qatar’s human rights record in the spotlight. That’s likely to continue — and may have prompted changes in the country.
Most news coverage of Muslims is negative. But not when it’s about devotion. Julien Souffrant, Erik Bleich, Emily Stabler, and Maurits van der Veen - October 17, 2018 Are Muslim religious practices more intense than those of other
Electoral rules (and threats) cure Bahrain's sectarian parliament - December 1, 2014 [caption id="attachment_18579" align="aligncenter" width="620"] A Bahraini man votes in Manama
Electoral rules (and threats) cure Bahrain’s sectarian parliament Justin Gengler - December 1, 2014 [caption id="attachment_18579" align="aligncenter" width="620"] A Bahraini man votes in Manama
Dark Financial Clouds Over Professional Sports - October 21, 2008 A couple of days ago I put up a tongue-in-cheek