A German word for how others see Germany’s gas crisis: Schadenfreude Matthias Matthijs - July 26, 2022 If Germany had been nicer to Mediterranean countries when they needed help, they might be nicer now in return.
Zambia has an election this week. Here’s what you need to know. Danielle Resnick - August 10, 2021 Voters aren’t happy about the country’s economic outlook or its external debt problem
No, this isn’t Europe’s ‘Hamiltonian moment’ Mark Copelovitch - May 27, 2020 It’s a reminder that a covid-19 recovery fund won’t solve the euro zone’s deeper problems
Europe’s leaders meet this week to confront the coronavirus Matthias Matthijs and Kathleen R. McNamara - April 21, 2020 The fate of the European Union could be at stake.
What Italy’s economic woes mean for Sunday’s vote Manès Weisskircher and Fabio Bulfone - March 1, 2018 [caption id="attachment_26642" align="aligncenter" width="908"] The European Central Bank in Frankfurt,
The euro is an experiment in making a currency without a government. That's why it's in trouble. Henry Farrell - June 28, 2015 The European Union appears to be on the brink of
The euro is an experiment in making a currency without a government. That’s why it’s in trouble. Kathleen R. McNamara - June 28, 2015 The European Union appears to be on the brink of