Political dysfunction in the Philippines is hurting Haiyan's victims John Sides - November 15, 2013 [caption id="attachment_3107" align="aligncenter" width="606" special=""] This aerial photo shows flattened
Legalized Prostitution Increases Human Trafficking Erik Voeten - June 13, 2013 One of the advertised advantages of legalizing prostitution is that
From the Political Economy Newsletter: Earthquake Mortality and Damage Joshua Tucker - July 30, 2011 Continuing "our relationship":http://tmc.org/blog/2011/01/10/collaboration_with_the_apsa_po/ with the Political Economy Section of the
U.S. Military Support and Terrorist Attacks on Americans Erik Voeten - March 1, 2011 A new "article":http://jpr.sagepub.com/content/48/1/3.abstract ("non-gated version":http://www2.lse.ac.uk/geographyAndEnvironment/whosWho/profiles/neumayer/pdf/Terror%20on%20Americans.pdf) published in the _Journal of
Soon there will be 100,000 UN Peacekeepers Erik Voeten - March 3, 2010 As of January 2010, there were 99,943 UN peacekeepers active