Trump still wants to buy Greenland. He’s making a dangerous mistake. Stacie Goddard - January 9, 2025 Trump doesn’t seem to understand that nations don’t buy and sell territory any more.
Many Ethiopians see illegal migration as the only escape from violence Lauren Carruth and Lahra Smith - July 18, 2022 Governments and asylum systems offer women few protections, our research finds
Long-serving African presidents say the people want them to stay on. Is that true? Boniface Dulani - November 4, 2021 The third in Afrobarometer’s special democracy summit series on Africa.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative invests in African infrastructure — and African military and police forces Natalie Herbert - April 29, 2021 China is looking to protect its economic investments and build its reputation as a world power
Chinese investment in Africa involves more than megaprojects. Private enterprises also are making their mark. Yoon Jung Park - April 16, 2021 We looked at the impact of private Chinese investments in seven countries
These two African railway megaprojects tell us a lot about China’s development model Maria Adele Carrai - March 4, 2021 Surprisingly, local rules matter more than Chinese government guidelines
U.S. policymakers often criticize Chinese investment in Africa. The research tells a more complicated story. Yoon Jung Park and Lina Benabdallah - February 18, 2021 This new series explores what’s really going on in debt relief, infrastructure and other critical issues across the continent
Biden will stop the U.S. troop drawdown in Germany, but also push for smaller deployments around the world Michael Allen, Michael Flynn, and Carla Martinez-Machain - February 10, 2021 Our research reveals what helps U.S. military basing succeed
China’s making inroads in the Middle East. The Trump administration isn’t happy. Jonathan Fulton - June 2, 2020 But U.S. pressure to reject China could bring out a great power rivalry in the region
Would it be ethical for the U.N. refugee agency to send Rohingya back to Myanmar? Mollie Gerver - December 17, 2018 [caption id="attachment_81619" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Rohingya refugees shout slogans against repatriation