With one court decision, Germany may be plunging Europe into a constitutional crisis Daniel Kelemen and Federico Fabbrini - May 7, 2020 If you add fights over court power to money issues, coronavirus and democratic collapse, expect explosive consequences
Power and Voting in the European Central Bank Henry Farrell - November 15, 2012 "Sebastian Mallaby":http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/890454b6-2cd9-11e2-9211-00144feabdc0.html has a piece in today's _Financial Times_ arguing
“One of the Fingers on the Button Will be German”: German Economic Preferences over EU Institutions and the Irish Economic Crisis Henry Farrell - January 21, 2011 Most of the contributions to this seminar begin with Germany's
Discovering the Limits of Ordnungspolitik - January 21, 2011 As the Euro crisis deepened, the German government's crisis management
Too Fast and Too Furious? Germany as Europe’s New Drift King - January 18, 2011 Why is Germany in Europe's catbird seat? Yes, it's Europe's
Hungary and the IMF: Expert Analysis Joshua Tucker - July 20, 2010 Yesterday I was somewhat surprised to read that the IMF