What Democrats miss in debating Harris’ loss Henry Farrell - November 11, 2024 Not deliverism, not popularism, but partyism?
Do early campaign polls tell us anything? Let's ask a campaign data guru. John Sides - August 1, 2015 [caption id="attachment_28085" align="aligncenter" width="1484"] Engineers and developers work at President
Do early campaign polls tell us anything? Let’s ask a campaign data guru. John Sides - August 1, 2015 [caption id="attachment_28085" align="aligncenter" width="1484"] Engineers and developers work at President
Evaluating Canadian election forecasts Andrew Gelman - May 3, 2011 From David Shor. No comment on the excel graphs.
Potpourri John Sides - December 15, 2010 * One follow-up to the _Unequal Democracy_ roundtable: an "interview
Charlie Cook on Public Polls: “Dime Store Junk”? John Sides - October 11, 2010 "Charlie Cook":http://www.nationaljournal.com/njonline/po_20100928_1190.php?mrefid=email_offtotheraces: bq. More than in any previous cycle that
On Pollster Ratings John Sides - June 21, 2010 538's new pollster ratings are getting noticed, of course. Mark
Stop me before I rant again Andrew Gelman - February 1, 2010 David Shor writes: I just read an idea for a