The SkyNet factor: Four myths about science fiction and the killer robot debate Charli Carpenter - September 3, 2014 [caption id="attachment_15172" align="aligncenter" width="814"] Sci-fi imagery at the United Nations
Political Scientists on Syria Erik Voeten - August 28, 2013 Ian Hurd has an interesting op-ed in the New York
Scholars, New Media, and the World Erik Voeten - April 10, 2012 Charli Carpenter's presentation at the International Studies Association meetings is
Sexual Violence Potpourri Erik Voeten - May 16, 2011 Harvard scholar Art Goldhammer has running commentary on the reception
Is Drezner a Cylon? Erik Voeten - April 1, 2011 One of the many interesting panels at the recent "annual
Potpourri Erik Voeten - March 29, 2011 * "Harvard boys went nation-building in Libya": * Charli Carpenter
Does it feel like cheating when I do this? Variation in ethical standards and expectations Andrew Gelman - March 9, 2011 John Sides points to this discussion (with over 200 comments!)
Wikileaks Data and the UN Security Council Erik Voeten - November 29, 2010 Like "Charli Carpenter":, I was a bit surprised by the