If LGBTQ voters had decided Germany’s election, the Greens would be in charge Niklas Ferch, Michael Hunklinger, and Dorothée de Nève - October 11, 2021 Self-identified LGBTQ voters are disappointed that the major parties keep dragging their feet on the community’s rights
Angela Merkel’s bloc lost ground in Sunday’s election. So who won? Thorsten Faas, Marc Debus, and Julius Lagodny - September 28, 2021 Here’s what 30 years of data on government formation in Germany tell us
Four things to watch in Germany’s state elections on Sunday Manès Weisskircher - March 13, 2021 The winners and losers could give clues about what’s ahead in September’s general election
Across Europe, coalition governments are hurting political parties that join them Jae-Jae Spoon and Heike Klüver - July 23, 2019 We looked at 219 elections in 28 European countries.
Germany’s strong economy didn’t help Angela Merkel at the polls. This is why. Erdem Aytaç - November 2, 2017 [caption id="attachment_65685" align="aligncenter" width="960"] German Chancellor Angela Merkel prepares to
Behind the ‘boring’ German election are four deeply disturbing trends Sheri Berman - September 25, 2017 The consensus throughout the German election campaign was that this
New German election forecast: Merkel’s party will win but lose seats Thomas Gschwend, Simon Munzert, Sebastian Sternberg, Lukas Stoetzer, and Marcel Neunhoeffer - September 23, 2017 [caption id="attachment_63891" align="aligncenter" width="960"] A supporter of German Chancellor Angela
Germany goes to the polls Sunday. Here’s what to expect. Philipp Adorf - September 22, 2017 Germans are heading to the polls on Sunday for parliamentary
Has Germany reached a turning point? Whither the SPD and the arrival of political euroskepticism Joshua Tucker - September 27, 2013 [caption id="attachment_480" align="aligncenter" width="606" special=""] (Michael Sohn/Associated Press)[/caption] Continuing our
German Post-Election Analysis: Merkel Wins! Sort of… Joshua Tucker - September 26, 2013 One of our regular features here at The Monkey Cage