Republicans’ advantage on national security has faded — and Democratic candidates are responding Michael Robinson - October 20, 2019 The Trump administration keeps moving further from what Americans say they want.
The UAW is on strike against General Motors. Here’s what that says about today’s labor movement. Laura C. Bucci - September 19, 2019 What you need to know about why we’re seeing more strikes — and what will affect the outcome.
Here’s how Democratic candidates can change American opinion when talking about inequality Bastian Becker - September 16, 2019 Americans feel uneasy about income gaps that grow from characteristics that are hard or impossible to change.
The Democratic candidates promise action on climate change. Here’s what stands in the way. Ashley Nunes - August 7, 2019 It’s not easy being green.
Trump thinks racist rhetoric will help him in 2020. The data suggest otherwise. Peter Enns and Jonathon Schuldt - July 28, 2019 Backlash to Trump’s rhetoric could offset any gains.
Joe Biden isn’t the only ‘electable’ candidate. Here’s what Democratic primary voters are thinking — and how to change it. Regina Bateson - July 18, 2019 My research shows how candidates can overcome primary voters’ ‘strategic discrimination.’
Will climate change lead to more world conflict? John O’Loughlin and Cullen Hendrix - July 10, 2019 Academics have disagreed on this question, until recently. Here’s what to expect.
Watching the Democratic debate tonight — with Twitter on the little screen? Keep this in mind. Shannon C. McGregor - June 26, 2019 When journalists treat Twitter as representing public opinion, they’re misshaping the news.
These two arguments make Americans less opposed to court packing Michael J. Nelson and Amanda Driscoll - March 26, 2019 Putting more justices on the Supreme Court might not backfire as spectacularly as many expect.
Is Texas finally turning blue? We looked at the electorate to find out. Juan Huerta and Beatriz Cuartas - December 18, 2018 [caption id="attachment_81680" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Beto O'Rourke, then running for the