New Yorkers used ranked-choice voting last month. Did it eliminate spoilers, as promised? Lindsey Cormack and Jack Santucci - July 26, 2021 And how does it work, exactly?
Behind the Gaetz scandal, there’s a bigger issue: Most states have loopholes that let men exploit teenage girls Amber Lusvardi - April 13, 2021 They can bypass statutory rape charges through marriage
Do political scandals even matter any more? Brandon Rottinghaus - April 8, 2021 Increasingly, partisans back “their” candidate. For everyone else, too many scandals make it hard to focus on anyone.
How political leaders could persuade more Americans to get a covid-19 vaccination Matt Motta - December 21, 2020 Republicans’ and Democrats’ attitudes have divided by party — but they shift quickly.
AOC just played ‘Among Us’ on Twitch. Over 400,000 people came to watch. Jack Farrell and Henry Farrell - October 21, 2020 Embracing video games can make for good politics
Part 2: What happens if a U.S. presidential candidate withdraws or dies before the election or inauguration? Joshua Tucker - May 14, 2020 Here’s the second part of the answer to that gloomy question.
What happens if a U.S. presidential candidate dies before the election or inauguration? Richard H. Pildes and Joshua Tucker - May 14, 2020 With a pandemic spreading and two presumptive nominees over 70, we had to ask.
Of course Trump’s authority isn’t ‘total.’ Here are 3 myths about how federalism works. Jenna Bednar - April 17, 2020 The founders designed a flexible system with many redundant safeguards against failure
Coronavirus policies spread quickly across the U.S. Are cities and states learning — or just copying? Craig Volden and Charles R. Shipan - April 16, 2020 Here’s why that matters.
The coronavirus may trigger tribal instincts. In times of crisis, people want strong leaders. Ronald Inglehart - April 9, 2020 Pandemic might lead to increased xenophobia.