Why the U.S. tax system is so complicated — but Americans are proud to pay taxes anyway John Sides - April 12, 2018 With tax day approaching, I discussed taxes with two scholars
Five key lessons about the welfare state - April 6, 2015 [caption id="attachment_23378" align="aligncenter" width="1484"] (Howard L. Sachs/AP)[/caption] During the 1980s,
What we know and don’t know about our polarized politics Nolan McCarty - January 8, 2014 Numerous times over the past several years Americans have witnessed
Five myths about the future of Obamacare John Sides - December 16, 2013 [caption id="attachment_4105" align="aligncenter" width="636" special=""] Obama signs his health-care reform
The Effect of the Court’s Ruling in the ACA John Sides - October 3, 2012 bq. The Court's perceived stamp of approval for the ACA
On trust fund “raids” and “double counting” John Sides - August 26, 2012 This is a guest post by University of Virginia political
America The Undertaxed Erik Voeten - August 24, 2012 Political scientist Andrea Campbell in Foreign Affairs (ungated): In proposing
“Social policy in the richest nation in the history of the world” John Sides - April 5, 2012 bq. On the second day of oral arguments over the
Graduate Student Workshop in Fiscal Sociology John Sides - February 4, 2011 "Isaac Martin":http://sociology.ucsd.edu/faculty/bio/martin.shtml sends along this announcement. Looks interesting! bq. In