How migration to the Gulf is influencing Egyptian voters Ekrem Karakoç - September 17, 2016 [caption id="attachment_46400" align="aligncenter" width="960"] A man shows his ink-marked finger
Why are Salafi Islamists contesting Egypt’s election? Jacob Olidort - November 12, 2015 [caption id="attachment_32061" align="aligncenter" width="908"] Members of the Islamist al-Nour party
Morsi was No Role Model for Islamic Democrats Joshua Tucker - July 18, 2013 The following guest post is from UT-Austin political scientist Jason
This is Not the End of Islamism in Egypt: Beyond the Pro- and Anti-Islamist Divide Joshua Tucker - July 4, 2013 We welcome another guest post from Elizabeth Nugent, a PhD student in the
Egypt: What Comes Next? Joshua Tucker - July 2, 2013 The following is a guest post from Elizabeth Nugent, a PhD student
Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood’s Seat Bonuses Confirmed John Sides - December 7, 2011 More from Andrew Reynolds: Yesterday on the Monkey Cage I
Egypt’s Elections in Comparative Perspective: Looking to the Future Joshua Tucker - December 2, 2011 One of the ways to get a handle on the