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New contributors are coming aboard!

- March 11, 2014

These are four adorable squirrel monkeys, not actually our new contributors. (Daniel Naupold/EPA)
We’re very pleased to announce several new contributors to The Monkey Cage:
Chris Blattman will be an occasional contributor.  He is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Columbia University.  He describes his interests this way: “Why are some societies poor, violent and unequal? What leads people into poverty and violence? What events and interventions lead them out? I mainly study these questions in Africa, through field study, surveys, natural experiments, and field experiments.”  His personal Web site and blog is here.  Follow him on Twitter at @cblatts.
Kim Yi Dionne will be a regular contributor. She is Five College Assistant Professor of Government at Smith College. She studies identity, public opinion, political behavior, and policy aimed at improving the human condition, with a focus on African countries. Her personal Web site is here.  Follow her on Twitter at @dadakim.
Marc Lynch will be a regular contributor.  He is Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at George Washington University, as well as Director of GW’s Institute for Middle East Studies.  He has written three books: The Arab Uprising, Voices of the New Arab Public, and State Interests and Public Spheres. He is also Director of the Project on Middle East Political Science (POMEPS). We are excited to feature POMEPS content on the blog. Marc was until recently a contributor to Foreign Policy.  His personal Web site is here.  Follow him on Twitter at @abuaardvark.
Laura Seay will be a regular contributor.  She is an Assistant Professor of Government at Colby College. She studies African politics, conflict, and development, with a focus on central Africa. She has also written for Foreign Policy, The Atlantic, Guernica, and Al Jazeera English.  Her personal Web site is here.  Follow her on Twitter at @texasinafrica.
We are excited to have Chris, Kim, Laura, and Marc joining us.  They will give us substantial new depth and expertise in African and Middle East politics, as well as the study of violence and economic development.  Welcome to them all!