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Politics Everywhere: The World Chess Federation

- September 30, 2010

From “The New York Times”:http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/30/world/europe/30briefs-Chessbf.html:

bq. A provincial leader who claims to have been abducted by space aliens and was backed by top Russian officials for another term as president of the World Chess Federation was re-elected Wednesday, according to Chessdom, a chess news Web site, and Russian news agencies. Kirsan N. Ilyumzhinov, left, the Kremlin-appointed leader of Kalmykia in southern Russia, defeated Anatoly Karpov, the former world champion, 95 to 55, at the federation’s meeting in Khanty-Mansiysk. Mr. Karpov and his longtime rival, Garry Kasparov, had accused Mr. Ilyumzhinov of presiding over the game’s decline during the 15 years he has led the federation. They also accused him of mental instability. Mr. Ilyumzhinov has said he met with extraterrestrials in yellow suits at his Moscow apartment and that chess comes from outer space. He has also been accused of corruption and human rights abuses, and has been linked to the killing of a journalist. Mr. Karpov’s prospects may have been hurt by the backing of Mr. Kasparov, who is not well liked in some corners of the chess world. Each country in the federation has one vote.

[Hat Tip to my mom.]

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