Good to Know: Impeachment Andrew Rudalevige - January 13, 2024 With House Republicans holding an impeachment inquiry against Pres. Biden, here's what to know about this constitutional tool.
Can Putin survive Russia’s losses in Ukraine? Ivan Gomza and Graeme Robertson - November 18, 2022 Russia’s defeat is starting to look inevitable. Here’s what that means for Putin and his inner circle.
Yes, McCarthy is still House Republican leader. Who’s the new GOP whip? Matthew Green and Douglas Harris - November 16, 2022 Congressional leadership elections can have surprising results
Why Russia may be taking Ukrainian children Svitlana Chernykh and Francesca Lessa - June 13, 2022 The research on similar tactics in Spain and Latin America helps explain Putin’s logic
Putin likes to talk about Russians and Ukrainians as ‘one people.’ Here’s the deeper history. Jeffrey Mankoff - February 9, 2022 For centuries, Moscow has worried that foreign powers are scheming to separate Ukraine from Russia.
Kazakhstan called for assistance. Why did Russia dispatch troops so quickly? Alexander Cooley - January 9, 2022 Preserving autocracies is a primary goal for regional organizations like the CSTO.
Facebook’s global outage wasn’t the result of a hack, but big political questions lurk behind it Laura DeNardis - October 7, 2021 ‘Public’ Internet relies on private networks and technical protocols that have to work in sync
Facebook has an invisible system that shelters powerful rule-breakers. So do other online platforms. Tarleton Gillespie and Robyn Caplan - September 17, 2021 Is it fair to be unfair, as long as you’re open about it?
The Cold War is a poor analogy for today’s U.S.-China tensions Jessica Chen Weiss - July 11, 2021 That view ignores China’s deep challenges — and the strength of U.S. diplomacy
International relations scholar Nuno Monteiro asked and answered the big questions about real-world politics Sebastian Rosato, David Edelstein, and Alexandre Debs - May 20, 2021 Monteiro, who passed away this month, influenced debates about U.S. dominance in the world