How popular are Putin and Obama in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine? John O’Loughlin and Gerard Toal - January 22, 2015 It is well known that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s actions
What Putin gets about soft power Tomila Lankina and Kinga Niemczyk - April 15, 2014 [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="606" special="MANDATORY CREDIT "] Russian President Vladimir
Is Crimean independence or annexation a good outcome for Russia? Nadiya Kravets and Helena Yakovlev-Golani - March 6, 2014 [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="606" special=""] Members of a pro Russian
The Political Science of Battlestar Galactica John Sides - June 13, 2013 We welcome another guest post from Stephen Benedict Dyson. His
Governing the World: A Review Erik Voeten - January 3, 2013 The past decade has treated us to some excellent histories
Revisiting that “Republicans are Crazy” Daily Kos Research 2000 Poll Joshua Tucker - February 4, 2010 Remember that "Daily Kos/Research 2000 Poll": from earlier this week
Politics everywhere: The art on a restaurant’s wall causes indigestion in one customer - November 9, 2009 Short story shorter: Andy Shallal runs some DC-area eateries. Bradley
The Uptick in Standardized Test Scores in the Nation’s Capital: Less than Meets the Eye (A Rant) - July 17, 2009 Institutions respond in myriad ways to mandates to provide quantitative
Great Quotes from Modern Composers John Sides - May 4, 2008 bq. In the spring of 1928, George Gershwin, the creator