Welcome the Good Authority fellows! Kim Yi Dionne and John Sides - April 16, 2024 Meet our six new fellows.
The White House peace plan puts Israel’s concerns first — and shortchanges Palestinians Brent E. Sasley - January 30, 2020 The deal is one-sided in these five ways
Israel’s next government won’t put peace with the Palestinians first — even if Netanyahu is defeated Brent E. Sasley - September 23, 2019 Neither of the nation’s two big parties shows interest in negotiations.
What does Israel’s response to two U.S. congresswomen mean for the future? Brent E. Sasley - August 16, 2019 The U.S.-Israel relationship has been rocky for years.
Key takeaways from the Israeli election Brent E. Sasley - April 12, 2019 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not only survived but increased his party’s share of parliamentary seats.
What the controversy over Ilhan Omar’s tweets tells us about AIPAC today Brent E. Sasley - February 12, 2019 Newly elected Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar (Minn.) faced widespread criticism
Israel’s upcoming election could produce even more political parties. Here’s why. Brent E. Sasley - January 4, 2019 The Israeli election campaign is underway, heading toward a vote
Israeli elections could be happening soon. Here’s what you should know. Brent E. Sasley - November 21, 2018 Head of the far-right Yisrael Beiteinu party Avigdor Liberman resigned
What the Labor Party’s election says about the prospects for Israel’s left Brent E. Sasley - July 10, 2017 On the face of it, last week’s election for a
Jerusalem’s status won’t be as easy to settle as other real estate deals. Here’s why. Brent E. Sasley - December 25, 2016 President-elect Donald Trump has set the foreign policymaking world on