In Memoriam: Bruce Russett Elizabeth N. Saunders, Harvey Starr, Daniela Donno, Paul Huth, and Sara McLaughlin Mitchell - October 1, 2023 Russett helped the world understand the democratic peace.
Would having more female officers improve policing? Miyeon Song, Kelsey Shoub, and Katelyn E. Stauffer - June 11, 2021 Our study suggests that, on average, women are less likely to unnecessarily search cars or people.
African countries are helping China go green. That may have a downside for Africans. Meredith DeBoom - March 12, 2021 Namibians could pay the price for cleaner energy in China.
Biden wants to halt deportations. Here’s what happens when migrants are sent back. Mateo Villamizar Chaparro, Juan Tellez, Erik Wibbels, and David Dow - March 3, 2021 No wonder so many deportees try to return.
Do Republicans really believe the 2020 election was stolen? Elizabeth C. Connors - December 21, 2020 The U.S. has become so polarized that many Republicans feel strong social pressure to reject a democratic transition of power.
Who are black voters supporting in 2020? Here’s what we might learn from South Carolina. David Darmofal - February 26, 2020 It’s complicated.
Can the courts protect democracy? Yes, but they need these three supports. Kirk Randazzo and Doug Gibler - February 17, 2017 [caption id="attachment_54277" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Rebecca Rossof, visiting San Francisco from Chicago, carries
Are you safer in a Tesla on autopilot, as Elon Musk says? Let’s do the math. Mark Palko - October 7, 2016 Why Elon Musk is wrong about the numbers.
How Wall Street became a big chunk of the U.S. economy — and when the Democrats signed on Christopher Witko - March 29, 2016 [caption id="attachment_38035" align="aligncenter" width="908"] A Wall Street sign outside the New
Donald Trump is a textbook example of an ideological moderate Doug Ahler and David Broockman - December 16, 2015 Donald Trump is one of the most extreme presidential candidates