Why the Nashville bomber warned people to evacuate Joseph M. Brown - December 30, 2020 Terrorists often want to persuade civilians to their side — while luring police into danger
‘Defund the police’ is a debate over how to prevent crime. What do Americans believe? Kevin H. Wozniak - July 14, 2020 Here’s what makes whites less — and more — likely to support community investment
Northern Ireland’s Troubles began 50 years ago. Here’s why they were so violent. Joseph M. Brown and Gordon C. McCord - August 21, 2019 Catholics and Protestants lived side by side — but with very few shared social or economic ties
Trump just praised earmarks. Here’s what the fuss is about. Travis Johnston and Peter Hanson - January 12, 2018 President Trump’s surprising endorsement of congressional earmarks this week spooked
Americans think opioid addiction is a crisis. They’re not sure federal dollars will solve it. Travis Johnston - August 10, 2017 What do Americans think should be done about the opioid
Venezuela has solved its hunger problem? Don’t believe the U.N.’s numbers. Michelle Jurkovich - September 21, 2016 [caption id="attachment_46426" align="aligncenter" width="960"] People stand in line as they
Do conservatives really want to ban only Muslim immigrants? Matthew Creighton and Amaney Jamal - December 15, 2015 [caption id="attachment_33582" align="aligncenter" width="908"] Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks