What retired Republican members of Congress really think Sarah Binder and Alexander Theodoridis - December 13, 2023 Their attitudes are surprisingly different from those of Republican voters and from current Republican lawmakers’ positions.
These were our 10 most popular posts of 2022 E.J. Graff - December 30, 2022 The Monkey Cage 2022 roundup: Top 10
Americans just elected two lesbian governors. Have attitudes changed that much? Tatishe M. Nteta, Adam Eichen, Maddi Hertz, Raymond J. La Raja, Jesse H. Rhodes, and Alexander Theodoridis - November 15, 2022 Our research found sexism hurts candidates more than antigay attitudes, at least in Massachusetts
Why have so many Americans come to mistrust the Supreme Court? Paul Collins and Artemus Ward - September 29, 2022 It’s not only because the justices are making unpopular decisions. Here’s what to know as the new term opens.
Do many Americans believe in the ‘great replacement’ theory? Tarah Williams, Roy Whitaker, Nazita Lajevardi, and Evan Stewart - June 6, 2022 The Buffalo shooting showed that at least some people are ready to commit violence for this conspiracy theory
MAGA was the real winner of the Ohio Republican primary Mia Costa, Zachary Albert, and Raymond J. La Raja - May 12, 2022 Ranked-choice voting alone wouldn’t have significantly changed the result, but non-partisan primaries — like Alaska’s — might.
Why Putin uses Russian law to crack down on dissent Lauren McCarthy - April 6, 2022 Autocrats make things like protests illegal so they can blame individuals for breaking the law — while avoiding blame for passing unjust laws.
Justice Breyer announced he will retire. Here’s what happens next. Paul Collins and Lori Ringhand - January 27, 2022 If Biden fulfills his promise to appoint a Black woman, he’ll make the Supreme Court more representative of the U.S. population
Chile’s markets fell after people elected a leftist president. That’s not unusual. Daniele Girardi - January 23, 2022 Research investigates the aftermath of more than 750 elections around the world
Martin Luther King Jr. was right. Racism and opposition to democracy are linked, our research finds. Jesse H. Rhodes, Raymond J. La Raja, Tatishe M. Nteta, and Alexander Theodoridis - January 16, 2022 Americans who don’t think institutional racism is a problem are more likely to believe that Jan. 6 was a protest, not an insurrection, and that Donald Trump won the 2020 election.