China’s backlash against Western brands may be short-lived Kecheng Fang - April 21, 2021 Not everyone in the Chinese government wants to see H&M and other foreign companies canceled
Hong Kong citizens just voted for more democracy. What happens now? Victoria Hui - November 26, 2019 These local election results won’t keep protesters out of the streets.
Hong Kong’s District Council elections take place on Nov. 24. Or not. Maggie Shum - November 14, 2019 Here’s what’s so special about this local election
What is China’s propaganda machine saying about the Hong Kong protests? Kecheng Fang - August 18, 2019 Beijing blames foreign forces for inciting ‘riots.’ Here’s why that makes sense in China.
There’s a new chapter in Hong Kong’s struggle for democracy and autonomy Victoria Hui - May 2, 2019 What happened to the Umbrella Movement leaders? And what is Beijing trying to do?
Educating those who will overthrow you Howard Sanborn and Clayton Thyne - September 29, 2014 [caption id="attachment_16314" align="alignnone" width="310"] University students from across Hong Kong