Fear’s not enough to get every American vaccinated. Perhaps the chance to win millions will work. Zoe Nemerever, Seth Hill, Mackenzie Lockhart, and Jennifer Merolla - June 28, 2021 U.S. states are running lotteries for cash, college tuition, baseball tickets, custom rifles and much more
What Cindy Hyde-Smith’s victory in Mississippi tells us about the South Seth McKee - November 29, 2018 [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="3606"] Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R) celebrates her
Don’t be duped or misled about the Venezuela protests. These 5 insights will help. Olga Onuch and Iñaki Sagarzazu - May 25, 2017 [caption id="attachment_58830" align="alignleft" width="960"] Demonstrators are blocked by police agents
If Congress keeps cutting its staff, who is writing your laws? You won’t like the answer. Ian Ostrander and Anthony Madonna - August 20, 2015 [caption id="attachment_28754" align="aligncenter" width="1484"] (Ricky Carioti/The Washington Post)[/caption] In June
2012 Post-Election Report: French Presidential Election Joshua Tucker - May 21, 2012 We are pleased to welcome the following French 2012 Presidential
Charitable ways to remember Lee Sigelman - January 3, 2010 Rather than sending flowers, if you would like to make
Political Science as a Dumping Ground for Failed Politicos John Sides - September 9, 2009 Alberto Gonzales to Texas Tech. Eliot Spitzer to City College
Plagiarism and Dub-Pubbing in Science - February 3, 2008 In the internet age, plagiarism looms as a vexing problem