Does Putin really want regime change in Ukraine? Alexander Downes - February 9, 2022 The research suggests this rarely works. But countries keep trying anyway.
Don’t expect Afghanistan to have a Western-style government. This explains why. Romain Malejacq - December 17, 2019 It’s a delusion to think warlords will quietly fade away
Worried about an Islamic State comeback? Here’s why that’s unlikely. Daniel Byman - October 28, 2019 Yes, Trump pulled U.S. troops out of northern Syria, but many other factors will probably keep ISIS down.
Congress may give Trump legal authority to fight the Islamic State Andrew Rudalevige - March 27, 2017 [caption id="attachment_55840" align="alignnone" width="960"] U.S. forces drive armored vehicles near
Is the war against the Islamic State illegal? A new lawsuit should prompt Congress to decide. Andrew Rudalevige - May 11, 2016 In April, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments about the