Will voters support Elizabeth Warren’s trade policy? Our research says yes. Ida Bastiaens and Evgeny Postnikov - September 29, 2019 Including labor and environmental protections in trade deals boosts popular support for free trade
The Democratic candidates are unabashedly liberal. Is that what Democratic voters want? Martin Wattenberg - September 12, 2019 More and more, Democrats think about policy and ideology when they think about politics.
Who’s winning the Democratic debates? Here’s what Google search trends can’t tell you. Filippo Trevisan - July 30, 2019 What do those search spikes really mean, anyway?
Why Hong Kong has become a city of protests Yongshun Cai - July 1, 2019 The latest protests differ from earlier ones in significant ways.
Dangerous skin bleaching has become a public health crisis. Corporate marketing lies behind it. Ramya Vijaya - June 13, 2019 As a result, when African nations ban bleaching products, the bans will probably backfire
Why Italy’s media fixates on CasaPound, an extreme-right party with a racist agenda Pietro Gattinara and Caterina Froio - May 28, 2019 This is a party that embraces Mussolini and Che Guevara — and cartoons and pop culture
What will Taiwan’s same-sex marriages mean in the rest of Asia? Joseph O'Mahoney and Enze Han - May 24, 2019 It’s likely to inspire activists, but other legislatures have a long way to go.
How will the African Union respond to the military overthrow in Sudan? Emmanuel Balogun and Anna Mwaba - April 24, 2019 It has not responded consistently to unconstitutional changes in government.
Trump says Hoda Muthana can’t come back to the U.S. after leaving to join the Islamic State. Should we think of her as a child soldier? Alexis Henshaw - February 22, 2019 Women who are ex-combatants get treated differently from those who are men.
The U.S. has quietly supported the Venezuelan opposition for years Timothy Gill - February 19, 2019 While Venezuela’s political crisis has sunk below most Americans’ news