Why Republicans are attacking Disney for ‘grooming’ on LGBTQ rights Michael Feola - May 5, 2022 The ‘new right’ believes that to win in politics, it first has to break what it sees as the left’s stranglehold on the culture
What conservatives get wrong about cosmopolitans Charles Seguin and Brandon Gorman - July 26, 2019 ‘Citizens of the world’ aren’t so elite after all.
Counties that hosted a 2016 Trump rally saw a 226 percent increase in hate crimes Valerie Martinez-Ebers, Regina Branton, and Ayal Feinberg - March 21, 2019 There is suggestive evidence that Trump’s rhetoric matters.
Does incivility hurt democracy? Here’s what political science can tell us. Emily Sydnor - June 27, 2018 [caption id="attachment_75016" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Protesters argue in front of the
Here’s what white supremacy looks and sounds like now. (It’s not your grandfather’s KKK.) Daniel Kreiss and Kelsey Mason - August 17, 2017 In a remarkable exchange with the press Tuesday about the
Here’s what Gandhi has to say to today’s protesters Stefan Kehlenbach - March 2, 2017 [caption id="attachment_54816" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Demonstrators hold signs as they chant