Red State Blue State in 2012 Andrew Gelman - July 22, 2013 Avi Feller, Boris Shor, and I write: The so-called “red/blue
Why aren’t Asians Republicans? For one thing, more than half of them live in California, New York, New Jersey, and Hawaii Andrew Gelman - November 27, 2012 Conservative data cruncher Charles Murray asks, "Why aren’t Asians Republicans?":
Richer people continue to vote Republican Andrew Gelman - November 14, 2012 From the exit polls: This is all pretty obvious but
The narcissism of the narcissism of small differences Andrew Gelman - October 1, 2012 In an otherwise reasonable article, Felix Salmon writes: In America’s
Jeffrey Frankel explains the real reason that Republicans support sugar subsidies Andrew Gelman - September 20, 2012 Jeffrey Frankel, a distinguished economist, public servant, and expert on
Reconciling different claims about working-class voters Andrew Gelman - June 20, 2012 After our discussions of psychologist Jonathan Haidt's opinions about working-class
Understanding the “zombie” confusion about class and voting Andrew Gelman - February 17, 2012 John Sides and Larry Bartels have recently spent some space
Thoughts on Groseclose book on media bias Andrew Gelman - July 29, 2011 Respected political scientist Tim Groseclose just came out with a
More on the missing conservative psychology researchers Andrew Gelman - March 9, 2011 Will Wilkinson adds to the discussion of Jonathan Haidt's remarks
Trends in partisanship by state Andrew Gelman - January 25, 2011 Matthew Yglesias discusses how West Virginia used to be a