A Russian destabilization campaign put Moldova in the news Isabelle DeSisto and Grigore Pop-Eleches - March 5, 2024 Maia Sandu, Moldova's pro-E.U. president, is up for reelection this fall.
Executive election rules in dictatorships matter. Here’s why. Tyson Roberts - May 12, 2015 [caption id="attachment_24680" align="aligncenter" width="640"] President Ali Bongo Ondimba of Gabon
They Said No: 2013 Iranian Presidential Post-Election Report Joshua Tucker - June 17, 2013 Continuing our series of election reports, the following post-election report
What do legislatures in authoritarian regimes do? Joshua Tucker - December 14, 2012 No, this post is not going to feature another picture
Post-Election Report: Romanian’s Presidential Impeachment Referendum, and a Request for Help in Identifying Potential Fraud Joshua Tucker - August 9, 2012 The following is a guest post from Princeton political scientist
Mating Rituals of the Presidential Contenders Larry Bartels - July 31, 2012 From the Mitt Romney for President website (via Meghan Bartels):
Election Report: The Secret Election of Moldova’s Unknown President Joshua Tucker - March 26, 2012 The following election report on Moldova's recent indirect presidential election
This Week in Political Science Jonathan Robinson - September 13, 2011 ANATOMY OF THE 9/11 RALLY EFFECT. The increase in support
On Assessing the Ideologies of Presidents John Sides - May 9, 2011 Via email, a reader who is also a political operative
Voting for Congress and voting for President Henry Farrell - November 17, 2010 "Josh Marshall":http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/2010/11/2_years_try_two_weeks.php?ref=fpblg tells us that there may be no correlation