Finally, Some Good News for Democrats: Saints Win! Joshua Tucker - February 8, 2010 According to a "recent report": from Public Policy Polling, Democrats
Revisiting that “Republicans are Crazy” Daily Kos Research 2000 Poll Joshua Tucker - February 4, 2010 Remember that "Daily Kos/Research 2000 Poll": from earlier this week
Is Opposition to Health Care Reform About the “Process”? John Sides - January 24, 2010 The Washington Post describes this finding from the poll I
Three Myths about Political Independents John Sides - December 17, 2009 A prefatory apology: some of the material in here is
Annals of Crappy Polls John Sides - December 7, 2009 This has been circulating for a few months on conservative
Renewed Questions about the Durability of Party Identification - May 6, 2009 According to news reports, Arlen Specter’s switch to the Democratic
Department of Argh: Is Obama Approval Under 50%? John Sides - March 25, 2009 bq. An absurd amount of attention has been given today
Proposition 8: What Happened John Sides - January 10, 2009 bq. On November 4, 2008, California voters approved Proposition 8--which
Race, the Economy, and the 2008 Election John Sides - January 8, 2009 Over at Pollster, and very much apropos of the post