Would a GOP Senate make a difference? Sarah Binder - November 4, 2014 If, as widely predicted, the GOP captures the Senate in
How wealthy campaign donors may reduce political polarization and weaken the tea party Jenny Shen and Adam Bonica - April 24, 2014 [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="606" special=""] David Barrows, of Washington, DC,
Memo to Senate Republicans: Your constituents want you to vote for ENDA Andrew Gelman - November 3, 2013 Monday evening, the Senate is scheduled to vote on the
How to Explain the Seeming Gap between Public Opinion and Immigration Reforms in Congress? Joshua Tucker - August 6, 2013 Continuing our new series of collaborations with political science journals,
Senator Hatch and the Club for Growth - July 14, 2011 A reporter asked me yesterday about Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)'s
Next step: Drug testing for recipents of NSF and NIH grants? Andrew Gelman - June 17, 2010 People seeking unemployment benefits or welfare would have to first