The New York Times is creating a new data-driven journalism venture Henry Farrell - November 21, 2013 [caption id="attachment_3300" align="aligncenter" width="606" special=""] (Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty)[/caption] The New Republic
Most Americans live in Purple America, not Red or Blue America John Sides - November 12, 2013 So, a lot of political maps are circulating these days.
The electoral ramifications of the shutdown are far from clear John Sides - October 15, 2013 [caption id="attachment_1656" align="aligncenter" width="606" special=""] (Win McNamee/Getty Images)[/caption] The latest
The Republicans and Immigration Reform Redux John Sides - July 12, 2013 Now, perhaps there are unforeseen events that will permanently help
The Emerging Marriage Majority John Sides - June 28, 2013 We welcome a second post by Patrick Egan on the
What If a Party Re-branded Itself, and Americans Never Noticed? John Sides - June 14, 2013 Greg Sargent: bq. Which raises a question that I wish
What we’ve got here is failure to communicate Andrew Gelman - February 4, 2013 One of the central goals of our blog is to
If you’re havin’ electoral problems I feel bad for you son, I got 538 problems but partisan bias ain’t one Andrew Gelman - February 1, 2013 As Andrew Thomas, Gary King, Jonathan Katz, and I discussed
How Will the Undecideds Break? John Sides - October 26, 2012 This question obviously has important implications for who wins this