Putin is discovering that overwhelming military power can be a curse Todd Sechser - March 29, 2022 As Stalin learned in Finland, small countries can inflict serious damage on invading superpowers
How resettling Afghan refugees might help Afghanistan’s future Margaret E. Peters and David Leblang - August 25, 2021 Migrants help their home countries by building trade ties and by sending back both cash and political knowledge.
Only Congress has the authority to declare war. Can it take that power back from the presidency? Saikrishna Prakash - September 30, 2020 Here are some possible courses of action — if the legislature wants to do more than signal its displeasure.
Can the U.S. protect its nuclear weapons in Turkey? Todd Sechser and Matthew Fuhrmann - October 18, 2019 Here’s the backstory — and the downside of removing this nuclear cache.
Four things Donald Trump can learn from Bill Clinton’s experience with impeachment — but probably won’t Andrew Rudalevige - October 2, 2019 How can a White House endure a major investigation and still govern?
How deporting immigrants from the U.S. increases immigration to the U.S. David Leblang and Christian Ambrosius - August 22, 2018 It's a vicious cycle.
By ending ‘temporary protected status’ for half a million people, Trump has probably increased illegal migration David Leblang, Ankita Satpathy, Alexa Iadarola, Ben Helms, Kelsey Hunt, Eric Xu, Rebecca Brough, and Mahesh Rao - August 7, 2018 Since taking office, President Trump has shown a firm commitment
The Cabinet was the easy part. Staffing (and steering) the bureaucracy takes much more work. Andrew Rudalevige - January 10, 2017 [caption id="attachment_51814" align="aligncenter" width="858"] Excerpts of H.R. Haldeman's notes from
5 tips on how U.S. presidents can work best with Congress Tony Lucadamo and Molly Reynolds - December 1, 2016 [caption id="attachment_49494" align="aligncenter" width="960"] President-elect Donald Trump with his wife,
When the White House changes hands, it is a dangerous time in foreign policy Philip Potter and Tony Lucadamo - November 10, 2016 The rest of the world is holding its breath.